Thursday, January 31, 2008

Cholula Mexico

Een interessante plaats. Onderstaand een stukje uit de 'Dictionary of Archeology':

"Cholula is the name of an archaeological site in the Puebla-Tlaxcala Valley of the central highlands in the state of Puebla, Mexico. It was one of the most important regional centers in prehispanic Central America, and the center of the cult of Quetzalcoatl. Cholula reached its height of importance during the Late Classic period (AD 600-900), although archaeological evidence indicates the location was inhabited as early as 1000 BC. Cholula is the site of the Great Pyramid Tlachihualtepetl, the largest prehispanic structure built in the New World. During its heyday, Cholula ruled or had control over much of central Mexico; the city covered an area of approximately ten square kilometers, with a population of between 30 and 50,000 people. The site is also known as the place in 1519 where La Malinche warned Cortés that he was about to be murdered; and where instead the Spanish massacred about ten percent of the population. Numerous adventurers made it to Cholula, including E.B. Tylor, Desiree Charnay, and Adolph Bandelier; archaeologists associated with the site's excavation include Ignacio Marina, Eduardo Noguera, and Sergio Suarez Cruz."

Wij maakten voor het eerst kennis met Cholula dankzij Bob Brier. Dat zal medio 2002 geweest zijn toen hij nog vaak op National Geographic te bewonderen was. Mr. Mummy schijnt zijn bijnaam te zijn. Zijn programma's waren erg boeiend, ik was alleen meestal afgeleid omdat Bob elke twee zinnen zijn stopwoordje: 'you see' er in gooide.

Hoe dan ook: dankzij Mr. Mummy stond Cholula op ons netvlies gebrand. Een kolossale piramide, waar de Spanjaarden een kerk bovenop bouwden. Vandaag de dag is de piramide begroeid en nauwelijks als zodanig herkenbaar. Alleen de onderste trap is gerenoveerd. Met iets te veel beton naar onze smaak.

Maar: er bevind zich in de piramide een enorm tunnelstelsel! Dat wilden wij zien!

Eenmaal ter plekke zijn we als echte backpackers door de achter uitgang naar binnen gelopen (tja twintig Pesos zijn toch twee biertjes he). En wat bleek: de gangen waren door archeologen gegraven! Niets geen avontuur, een paar rechte tunneltjes en alles wat er een beetje spannend uit zag was afgesloten...

Eenmaal weer buiten hoopten we nog iets van de charme van de plek te ervaren, maar helaas... het was een berg in de gloeiende hitte.

Sommige plaatsen moet je gewoon lekker bekijken als je National Geographic op hebt staan...
ps. de foto is van een kloostergebouw in Cholula, we kwamen er thuis achter dat we echt niet onder de indruk waren van de piramide... we zijn zelfs vergeten om er een foto van te maken.

Vaarwel El Nivel

Goed... de A locatie was ook te mooi om waar te zijn, maar een wandeling over het Zocalo in Mexico City zal toch nooit meer in stijl kunnen worden afgesloten...

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexico's oldest cantina, a classic drinking dive patronized by dozens of past presidents and Cuban leader Fidel Castro when he was in exile here, has closed its doors after more than 150 years.
Nestled in a side street between the National Palace and Mexico City's cathedral, the door of El Nivel (The Level) is now padlocked.
El Nivel's owner, Ruben Aguirre, is looking for new premises after losing a long legal battle against the owners of the building, the National Autonomous University of Mexico.
"We are seeing where we can move to," Aguirre, who inherited the cantina from his father, told Mexican radio after losing the 17-year lawsuit.
A paper sign above the cantina's metal shutters says: "Closed for renovation until further notice."
El Nivel, a dim watering hole, opened in 1855 after being handed the first cantina license a few years after the U.S.-Mexican war. It was named The Level because authorities used to measure the height of the city's flood waters in the building.
Aguirre told Reuters several years ago the original No. 1 license was kept in a safe at the central bank because it is a valuable historical document.
A framed copy of the license hung on one wall of the cantina when it was open, alongside eclectic art, old maps, drawings and faded photos of the cathedral, Mexico City's main Zocalo square and the bar itself.
El Nivel was the haunt of writers, artists, activists, journalists and other bohemian Mexicans. It also became a favourite for tourists, too. One special house drink was a mixture of vodka, anis and orange flavoured liquor.
Aguirre said around 30 presidents from Sebastian Lerdo de Tejada in the 19th century to Ernesto Zedillo (1994-2000) had all called in for a drink while in office. Mexican presidents used to work out of the nearby National Palace.
When Cuba's Castro lived in Mexico in the 1950s he too frequented the bar with guerrilla icon Ernesto 'Che' Guevara, according to Aguirre. Castro set out on his Cuban revolution from Mexico.
Aguirre said the legal case to stop the university taking over the premises became impossible to sustain because all the documents were in the name of his dead father, Jesus Aguirre, who bought the cantina more than 40 years ago.
"It just got too complicated because everything was in his name," Aguirre said.